Honk if you love life!
Our Inquiry and RE units this term have focussed on the concepts of community and our place within the community. It has been a rich and diverse unit and we are now at the stage of expressing our...
View ArticleHacked Learning
Image: ‘hack my creativity 1‘ Found on flickrcc.net I have been hearing a lot about hacked design recently. You may be confused with hacking we associate with computer systems but this requires taking...
View ArticleRSCON 4 – Shifting Learning
David Truss presented on shifting learning.Here are his slides: Shifting learning - #RSCON4 Presentation from David Truss Links to his view on learning.InquiryAn authentic audience mattersBadges and...
View ArticleWhy our schools are NOT failing your children
This morning I read this article by recent graduate Johanna O’Farrell in The Age. Of course any article which opens with “Why your schools are failing your children: a teacher tells” piqued my...
View ArticleFestival of Gaming
At this time of year I love reading everyone’s wrap up of the previous year. Highlight, lowlight, best of. I am not usually one to write that sort of thing, and if you look back over my year of...
View ArticleInquiry Cycles
We are discussing inquiry cycles at school at the moment. We have adopted the Big6 and Super3 school wide for our student Information Seeking Process (ISP) but I think inquiry needs more... more...
View ArticleAcademic Honesty and Creative Commons
A few years ago in connection to a presentation Samuel was giving, we made a digital booklet of how to find media teachers/students can use without infringing copyright. As I have started working with...
View ArticleThe Power of 1 on 1 Conferences
I am in my third, and final, year as a Faculty Associate at SFU. During this time 20% of my year has been teaching at the elementary level and 80% of my time has been working with Student Teachers on...
View ArticleA day at the museum
I have always believed in the power of the network in education to provoke, support and connect. As a user of twitter I have built up a large network around me and now people I have connected with...
View ArticleEtmooc 3 Year Anniversary Celebration
On January 20th we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the Open and Connected Learning Mooc (etmooc) and launched the Mario Couros Memorial Bursary. Susan hosted the conversation on Zoom which was a new...
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